Sic Bo Strategy Small/Big and Odd/Even – Game Theory at Work

25 Aug

Sic Bo is a chinese dice game wherein you have three dice and you have to place your bet on the board and you will win if whatever combination you place your bet on appears (odd,even, big, small, triple etc.).

(photo courtesy of

This reminds me of the game beto-beto every fiesta. When I went to Resort’s World a couple of months ago to go to Opus, I saw this game with a big dice in the middle and computers everywhere where you can bet. The minimum bet is PhP25 and the maximum bet is PhP2,500.  I thought to myself how can someone win this game and what betting strategy should they use? I will just look at the Odd/Even and Small/Big

Looking at the Small (sum is 4 to 10 with no triple) / Big(sum is 11 to 17 with no triple) or Odd/Even bets, the best way still is to use the Martingale Method wherein one has to double their initial bet if they lose and they go back on betting the original bet. The reason behind this is that you will win the same amount as your bet and doubling it every time you lose then by the time that you win, you will win your original bet.

Example: You bet on Odd for PhP25 but the result was even, you bet again on Odd for PhP50 then a triple appears. On your third bet, you placed PhP100 on Odd and the result was odd then you win PhP100. So now, you have PhP200, your total bet was PhP175, so you won PhP25. Every time you win, you are guaranteed PhP25.

I suggest that someone who wants to play this should have at least PhP3,175 pesos and must be willing to lose that money. It would have been great if there was no PhP2,500 maximum bet limit because if someone let’s say has PhP25,175 then they could bet at least ten time before losing all their money. With the limit someone could bet PhP1,600 at the maximum with PhP25 base bet. There is a possibility that your bet might not be the result after 7 attempts. If you are winning then tell yourself that you will quit after winning a certain amount of money so that you will not lose say PhP1,000 or PhP2,000.

This Martingale method is not fool proof but is the best of all the methods for Odd/Even and Big/Small bets. There is still a possibility that you will still lose your money but at least this method increases your chances of winning.

As they say, the house always wins. Always be prepared to lose. I have yet to meet someone who became a millionaire without losing it all at the Casinos. And finally, do not borrow money to feed your addiction. At the end of the day your money is better off in your savings account or mutual fund account.

I know this post is contradictory to my previous posts about personal finance but hey this is Mathematics at work. Can you blame this math student for trying to solve this problem?

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Posted by on August 25, 2012 in Mathematics


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